6 Stain Removal Mistakes You Should Avoid Doing


Employing removal techniques to deal with stubborn stains often does more harm than good, especially if those techniques have not been proven to be effective. Some of these techniques are as old as time. Find out what these stain removal mistakes are.

1. Too much use of stain remover

Many individuals turn to stain remover to get rid of dirt, but instead of addressing the problem, it can make the stained area much harder to dry or rinse, especially if you’ve stained your upholstery or carpet. Instead of flooding the area with stain remover, you need to consider applying light and repeated applications for the remover to work effectively. As they say, less is more.

2. Rubbing

When you stain your favorite shirt, the first thing that you would usually do is to rub it frantically. This technique won’t remove the stain. Rubbing can result in spreading the stain further and worse, damaging the fabric. Consider dabbing the stain away gently to prevent damaging the weave of the fabric.

3. Using warm or hot water

For fresh stains, using hot water may get rid of the stain, but it can have a negative impact on the fabric as it tends to set some stains permanently. Protein-based stains like blood can result in making the stains harder to remove. Instead of using warm or hot water, use cold water instead.

4. Mixing products to remove stains

Another bad habit that you should stop doing when removing stains is mixing stain removal products. They can have negative consequences when mixed together. Even for hard-to-remove stains, you should avoid mixing products because it will not make the stains disappear. You can create serious damage to the fabric. Use a stain remover that can effectively remove the stain. Never experiment on mixing various stain removal products.

5. Using chlorine bleach on wool or silk

Delicate fabrics like wool and silk need to be washed carefully. You have to choose a stain removal product that is capable of tackling stains without damaging the fabric. You will need to check the care label to find out about the type of products that you’re allowed to use for removing different kinds of stains.

6. Applying salt on red wine

When you apply salt on red wine, it will only result in setting the stain permanently. The same is true for tea, cola and coffee stains. Rinse these types of stain with water. There are also stain removers that are specifically intended for removing wine stains.

Stains must be treated within moments because the longer it sets, the more likely it will become permanent. Before you begin treatment, make it a point to identify both the stained fabric and the staining agent. This practice will make it easier for you to choose the treatment technique and prevent damaging the fabric.

Stained items should be handled gently. Wringing, squeezing, rubbing and folding can damage delicate fibers as it causes the stain to penetrate deeply. If you’re unsure of the stain-removing agent you’re using, pre-testing it will help you avoid costly stain removal mistakes. Running a sample test on the hidden part of the garment, rugs or carpets will enable you to identify if the product matches the stain and fabric.

Our professional services will not only remove stains but also keep your clothes, linens and sheets clean.

LaundroMart FL
216 Pondella Road
N. Ft. Myers, FL 33903
(239) 995-0260
